Matthew is now offically in the NAVY. He is going into EOD, that is Explosive Ordnance Disposal. He is very excited. He goes to meetings at the recruiting station, and then weekly he goes to ETSU to work with a group getting ready for the physical test. He can do everything, he just has to get faster doing his sit ups and pull ups because they are timed. He will head to boot camp in July. The hardest thing for him will be cutting that long hair.
Matthew just got back from his vacation in Florida with his Mom. He got a new book which he read in two days. He shinnied up a palm tree to pick a fresh coconut (he is still picking out splinters). Lots of time at the beach and fishing with Connor. He got back just in time to go to school for two days and then be out for snow.
He had a great Christmas, he got an Ipod, leather motorcyle jacket, and a camel skin jacket that he loves.
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