Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How much more snow can we possibly get? We counted it up and we have had school exactly 15 days since Christmas vacation. At first the kids thought it was cool, but now it's getting to be irritating. Algebra II and Chemistry are hard enough with out missing most of the classes. If the schools are not closed for snow, they have been closed for heating problems. 
Jamie and Lynn had the sheet-rock put in their house this week. It is really starting to come together now. Lynn has cut the trees that will be made into the wood floors and has taken the wood to the millers. Anyone have some spare garage doors? That is what is next on the list of things to do. They are trying to get to a certain point to get Obama's tax credit. The bottom picture is the view out of the back door of the house by the kitchen where the back deck will be. The pond you see has ducks in it during the spring and summer months.

The top picture is their living room, front door and windows. The cathedral ceiling still has to be done. The picture was actually taken from the kitchen area where the kitchen island will be. The second picture is the hallway with the bathroom, two bedrooms, laundry room in it.

The retaining wall in front by the driveway is marked but is waiting for cooperative weather before they put it in. 

They are hoping to have the wedding in the side yard with the reception in the back yard in the summer of 2011. They have planted hundreds of tulips and gladiolas so far to bring color into the yard in the spring.

Jamies broken ankle

Jamie asked for new shoes for her birthday. What she received what not exactly what she bargained for. She stepped off a ramp and broke her ankle. Now she has this "fashionable" shoe to wear for the next few weeks. Walking in the snow and mud in crutches along with teaching is sssooo much fun right now. It is a simple break, the bones were still in the right place, she says the muscles and tendons hurt the most.

But I need one tonight Mom......

Every parent remembers this. The night the middle school child comes home and needs a poster board that night for a project due the next day. Of course it is winter in Tennessee right now. So after rushing out, buying said poster board, working on the project, and having it ready to go the next morning, we have had four days off for snow. Project still sits by the door, and now we have "nothing" to do because of the snow.